CarpetWorks is happy to offer carpet binding, carpet serging, carpet base, custom area rugs, area rug pad, border rugs, and leather borders. We are proud to offer top quality with low prices. Proudly serving the Detroit Metro Area for 26 years.

At CarpetWorks, we strive to bring you the very best prices on all of our services. Satisfied customers are all the advertising we need to keep our prices low. Word of mouth and customer referrals are what have kept us in business for 26 years. And we will continue to strive to keep our customers happy for another 20 years.

At CarpetWorks, we pride ourselves of being knowledgeable in all aspects of our products. If you have any questions about what to do with your extra piece of carpet or custom area rug.

Proudly serving the Detroit Metro Area for 20 years.